

Visual Vinyl

We buy and sell records. Over 30 years experience of buying and selling many of the worlds top collectable records. We have a selection of thousands of LPs, Singles, CD’s, Posters and memorabilia on offer in our warehouse shop. We cover all genre’s including Punk, Rock, Metal, Soul, Reggae, Psych, Grunge, Jazz, Rock n’Roll, Indie, Brit Pop, Blues, Folk, Funk, Ska, Beat, Pop And everything in between. If you are looking to add to your collection or sell this is the place for you.

Visual Vinyl, Unit A2(first left), Building 14, The Depot


Monday: By Appointment

Tuesday:  By Appointment

Wednesday: By Appointment

Thursday: By Appointment

Friday: By Appointment

Saturday: By Appointment

Sunday: By Appointment

E-mail: Andy@Visual-Vinyl.co.uk

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VisualVinyl

Web: https://www.visual-vinyl.co.uk/vinylrecordswanted/

Mobile: 07757 285023

Business Landline: 01327 341751